Ash Catherwood

Actor. Creator. Karate-Chop Expert.


Ash Catherwood was born in the wilds of the Boreal forest. In his early days, he learned how to karate chop a bear, and how to beat the Sasquatch at his own game. In recent years, he has been acting his butt off for the betterment of humanity. He is drawn to the unique and bizarre in plotlines and characterizations, and has the ability to bring a sense of reality to the fantastical. He is happy to have found a balance between the comedic and the dramatic in his performance style. Ash lives and works out of Toronto, Canada.

5 comments on “Bio

  1. Jason Raft
    December 23, 2019

    Loved watching you in My mother’s darkest secrets. You are an amazingly talented actor. The cast and actting were perfect as well. How old are you? You look like you are barely 40. It is difficult to play an alcoholic. You portrayed an alcoholic excellently.
    Jason Raft

    • ashcatherwood
      December 23, 2019

      Hey thanks! Very kind words.
      I’m barely 40, so that works out well I think. (37)

  2. Lynne
    August 10, 2021

    You acted convincingly in My Mom’s Darkest Secrets. The movie wasn’t earth shattering but I’m bed-bound due to recent surgery so I’ve been watching a lot of tv. Thanks for your performance.

    • ashcatherwood
      August 10, 2021

      Thanks so much!
      I hope you recover from surgery swiftly. Take care,


    • ashcatherwood
      August 10, 2021

      Thanks so much! I hope you recover from surgery swiftly

      Take care,


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